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As an investors,michael kors outlet online, after selected, you need to be firm and diligent. Firm is a firm hold. Diligent diligent is the need to do T +0, made ​​the difference. Reduce costs, increase profits and raise a family. Until fortune. Speaking firm two men had to mention. Tang and Mr Chen. Chen Shu is the richest man in Fujian. Tang emperor is working with human brain. wealthy people and have combined brain naturally strong attack force. July 3, 2009, to shareholders Zijin Mining released reduction announcement, Mr Chen said the major shareholders between May 25 to July 1 date holdings of tradable shares of 147 million shares, representing 1.01% of the total shares.

This is not the first time Mr Chen Zijin Mining mad sale. Between April 27 to May 22 date,Michael Kors outlet, Mr Chen has holdings of 147 million shares, cash of about $ 1.3 billion. Two together, Mr Chen in two months time to sell up to 295 million shares of Zijin Mining, sets amounted to 2.7 billion yuan in cash is huge. After the reduction, Mr Chen is still holding tradable shares 154,000,000 shares, Mr Chen Xinhua Holdings ( 002264 ) Industrial Group holding 11.89%. Both aggregate shareholding 1,883,000,000 shares, representing 12.95% of the total shares of Zijin Mining.

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